Remak® XPS: Perfect heat and sound insulation solution – Energy-saving ideas for every project

More than an advanced green material, Remak® XPS plays an important role in construction projects, Green Buildings that meet LEED standards as well as high-tech industries and agriculture…

Accumulating nearly 15 years of experience in the heat and sound insulation industry, with the introduction of extruded Remak® XPS foam, Remak is leading the field of creation and implementation of smart thermal and sound insulation solutions. We contribute to solving global challenges in resources, energy, and the impact of climate change; bringing the perfect experience of a comfortable, peaceful, and sustainable life; Increase the profit value of projects thanks to its durability, stability, high performance, optimal energy saving, lower maintenance and operating costs, etc.

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More than an advanced green material, Remak® XPS plays an important role in construction projects, Green Buildings that meet LEED standards as well as high-tech industries and agriculture:

✅️ Advanced insulation materials allow to improve insulation efficiency, reduce construction investment capital and costs, increase the value of construction projects, and contribute to environmental protection.

✅️ For residential construction, the main role of Remak® XPS foam insulation is to help improve the energy saving features of the house/building by minimizing heat transfer through walls and roofs.

Besides, Remak® XPS also has the effect of reducing noise from outside, creating a safe and comfortable living environment for subjects living indoors; Reduce project load, thereby minimizing construction costs and volume of cement, iron and steel.

✅️ For industrial projects, Remak® XPS insulates walls – roofs, refrigeration systems – air conditioning systems with the following functions:

  • Keep the temperature stable and reduce energy consumption.
  • Minimize heat loss in piping systems and cold systems; improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.
  • Reduce noise – vibration from technical systems, helping to protect the surrounding environment.
  • Used as construction and protection materials in industrial zones. With good waterproofing ability, XPS protects the building’s structure and other systems from the effects of weather, environment.

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✅️ For infrastructure and traffic works:

  • Constructed with Remak® XPS to create standard thickness and help protect the foundation of infrastructure works, help to increase stability – prolong the life of the foundation.
  • Used in a variety of applications related to air transportation, including insulation of air distribution systems, noise and vibration mitigation for aircraft, and other systems.

✅️ In the food industry, XPS foam is used as the core of preservation and freezing systems thanks to its superior insulation ability along with good water resistance and resistance to moisture, helping to reduce the costs of cold storage and preserve food better.

✅️ In the agricultural industry, Remak® XPS is used to grow hydroponic vegetables, Ngoc Linh baby ginseng, high-tech models…, insulate wine cellars, mushroom farms, dairy farms, etc.

We always have large quantities of goods available at Remak warehouses in Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City to supply and promptly serve your needs. If you have any questions, please contact our Hotline.


Remak® XPS/ Remak